
Tandem Prism™

Enabling Tandem LA-ICP-MS and LIBS for RESOlution For the first time in the history of excimer (193 nm) Laser Ablation, Applied Spectra has enabled simultaneous LA-ICP-MS and LIBS capability with Tandem Prism . The Tandem Prism is designed to be integrated into our industry leading RESOlution excimer LA Instrument. The Tandem Prism adopts the proven detector technology of LIBS instruments from Applied Spectra and its operating software works with RESOlution in tandem to capture optical emission signal during LA-ICPMS measurement. Tandem LA-LIBS provides access to spatially resolved quantitation of elements such as C, H, O, N and F in addition to the traditional mass spectrometry elements (such as in LA-ICP-MS.) These two techniques complement each other well as every laser pulse for ablation provides both the optical plasma for emission spectroscopy and particles for subsequent analysis by mass spectrometry. The Tandem LA – LIBS analysis approach ensures not only the widest possible elemental coverage but also the widest possible dynamic range.
• Greater elemental coverage
• Extended dynamic range (ppb to %)
• Quick survey (with LIBS) before trace level investigation by ICP-MS
• Affordable with two techniques under one instrument platform

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